Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letterman's Woes

Ok, now let me first say this. Something about this whole thing smells like fish. Why in the world would he tell the world things about his personal life that we didn't need to know just because some hater wanted $2 million? You slept with some of your employees over the years? Wow, never heard that before. You're a married man and father, yet you cheated. Woo, another shocker. What I'm thinking is there's a twist. Why aren't any of the women he jigged extorting from him? Why is it that a male figure was dangling a carrot over his head? Well, here it is. Has anyone suspected that he's been having affairs not just with women, but also with men. A guy here, a gal there...Bat left, bat right...If that's how we lives, that's coo, I have gay friends and relatives, so it's no big thing. I'm just sayin, think about it...

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